ALAB's Community Support team offers direct support and coordination of external services to our neighbours. We are based in Downtown Toronto area and prioritize supporting our neighbours living in encampments, though our services are open to all community members who need support. Our most commonly offered services are listed and described below.
Food Bank Delivery
We coordinate with local food banks and volunteer drivers to offer free grocery delivery for those staying in an eligible area.
Social Assistance Applications
We can help you fill out an Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) application, and help advocate for you regarding any issues you may be experiencing with your social assistance.
ID Replacement
We can help you get or replace ID, including birth certificates and health cards. We often coordinate with the PAID ID Clinic to provide this service, but can also help if you need an ID that cannot be obtained through PAID, such as a long form birth certificate.
Healthcare Access & Advocacy
We can help you find a family doctor or other healthcare professional who meets your needs, and follow up on referrals to ensure they are processed in a timely fashion. We can also provide medical advocacy if you do not feel that you are receiving reasonable care from a provider.
Housing and Shelter
We can help you fill out or follow up on applications with subsidized housing providers, help you search for market rent housing, and coordinate the provision of any housing benefits that you are eligible for. We can also assist you with accessing temporary shelter if desired.
Clothing & Other In-kind Donations
We maintain a small stock of donated items available for free, such as tents, camping equipment and clothing.
External Service Coordination
If we don't offer a service or feel your needs in a specific area would be better handled by a different organization, we will coordinate a referral to another service and follow up to make sure things are going smoothly.